Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2018

Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2018

Congressional Call to Action The Enlisted Association of the National Guard (EANGUS) published an Op-Ed in the Military Times decrying the recent move by The Department of Educations to remove important data from the College Scorecard.  This move also negatively...
Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2018

November 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

TRICARE Reserve Select Expansion The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States is working hard for you. Congress is close to voting on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Included in the legislation is a provision that...
Drill Weekend Talking Points for November 2018

Drill Weekend Talking Points: August 2017

August 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points   The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017  (S. 1598 and H.R. 3218) During the week of July 24, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee (HVAC) marked-up the H.R. 3218 and moved it favorably for...